Making a Difference


At Enterprise, sustainability is more than just a popular business term. Beyond our selection of hybrid and fuel-efficient vehicles which cut CO2 emissions, we work with a range of public sector authorities and planning developers to rethink the ways that people travel. 


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Reducing vehicle CO2 emissions

35% of publicly accessible car club cars in the UK are electric*, helping reduce emissions. This positive impact is amplified by the fact that Each Car Club car takes 26 private cars* off the road.  Meaning the more Car Club wheels that hit the tarmac the fewer cars there are on the roads overall improving air quality and congestion.


*2023 research from shared transport charity Collaborative Mobility 


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Helping towns & cities improve air quality

Enterprise Car Club work in partnership with many town, city and county councils helping them shape their transport policy so that it might encourage modal shift which would reduce congestion and improving air quality. 

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Supporting a Low Carbon Economy  

Enterprise Ireland is a signatory of the BITC's Low Carbon Pledge – the 1st dedicated pledge generated by Irish business to set industry standards on sustainability and reduce carbon usage. As a signatory we commit to setting science-based carbon emissions reduction targets by 2024, which include our entire carbon footprint (Scope 1, 2 & 3) and be in line with the Paris Agreement and the latest IPCC findings. 

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Making corporate travel policies greener

Across Ireland Enterprise works with SMEs and larger corporates to shape how they can leverage their travel policies to adopt greener modes of shared transport – such as car clubs. Innovations such as ‘Enterprise Travel Direct’ and the Enterprise Car Club telematics gives companies more insight than ever before into how they can optimise journeys.  Find out more about Enterprise Car Club for business travel.

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Promoting shared transport

Enterprise plays an instrumental role in changing the way we all travel. We work not only with individuals directly, but also with corporates, developers, planners, public sector organisations, and other shared transport providers to drive a tangible modal shift towards shared transport. To this end we collaborate with other bus, rail, tram, bike hire and travel planning apps to facilitate the dovetailing of networks. By collaborating we enable mobility lifestyles which present an alternative to private car ownership. Enterprise Car Club founded the Mobility Partnership Ireland (MPI) in 2021 with micro mobility providers Moby and Bleeper bikes. This is a coalition committed to providing long-term leadership and policy suggestions to deliver on Ireland’s sustainability priorities.



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Encouraging active travel 

By taking private vehicle ownership off the road, Enterprise Car Club creates space for active travel, making it safer and more attractive to the wider community. Car Club members themselves after joining are likely to walk more and cycle more than they did prior to obtaining membership. Research shows that 35% have used a bicycle as frequently – compared to an average of just 14% of people cycling more than once a week*. This is because car club members have a greater propensity to opt for these active travel modes for smaller localised journeys, using a car only when really needed. Find out more about Enterprise Car Club & Active Travel.

*2023 research from shared transport charity Collaborative Mobility 

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Investing in innovation

The Enterprise Rent-A-Car Institute for Renewable Fuels is a research unit within the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center that was established in 2007 with a grant from the Taylor family. The mission of the Enterprise Institute is to create the next generation of alternative fuel technologies by enhancing the potential of oilseed crops, algae and bioenergy grasses as sources of sustainable bioenergy to someday be used to fuel cars, vans and aircraft. Find out more about how Enterprise invests in innovation.

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Giving back to the environment

The Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation is funding the planting of 50 million trees throughout the US, Canada, France and Europe as part of the Enterprise 50 Million Tree Pledge.

Established in honour of the company’s 50th anniversary and to thank customers for their longtime support, the tree-planting program was made possible through a unique public-private partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation.

Each project is individually selected to prioritize immediate reforestation needs and to help restore ecosystems after wildfires or other natural disasters strike. The Enterprise 50 Million Tree Pledge will have planted 14 million trees by the end of 2019 – and 50 million trees by 2056. 

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